

Upcoming NFTs

Discover our captivating NFT collections, Bio-NanoX and NanoX Portals, inspired by the futuristic Cosmopolis universe! Each unique piece showcases the intriguing possibilities of nanoscience and the merging of technology with nature. Stay tuned as we regularly mint new NFTs from these collections, taking you on a journey through the awe-inspiring world of biotechnology and interdimensional travel.

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About Akbal.Media

Akbal.Media: Creative NFT Art & Freelance Services

Welcome to Akbal.Media, the personal brand of Akbal, an experienced creative professional with a background in content production, design, illustration, and project management. Discover the NFT art inspired by the fascinating lore of Cosmopolis, an artificial star system created by Akbal, and explore a variety of freelance services for your next project.


Our Сollections

Clients & Collectors

Welcome to Akbal.Media


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Years of Experience